Privacy Policy

Happiness Cart does not have access to your data until you subscribe to our newsletters.
Happiness Cart doesn’t sell or share data with any third party.
Our consultants can decide what communication is to be sent to their clients.
We follow stringent data policies so that it isn’t compromised at any step.
By accessing or any of our associate/group, you have read, understood and agreed to be legally bound by the terms of the following: has taken due care and caution in compilation of data on their website.
The views and suggestions expressed by individual experts{respective of their fields} are their own and not that of the website or its management.
The authors do not guarantee accuracy, adequacy or completeness, veracity of the information provided on the posts.
The information on this website is updated from time.
Part of the site contains advertising & the other linked sites are not under control and we are not responsible for contents of any linked site or any linked contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. Any link does not imply endorsement by us of the site. respects your privacy and we are committed to safeguarding it while you are online at our site.
Log files: Includes IP addresses, ISP type, operating system the user is on, data/time stamp, time spent on site, these data are not linked to personally identifiable information.
We use info purely for internal review to enhance content & or layout, trends, administering site.
Gathering broad demographic info about the nature of our visitors.
Cookie: A piece of file stored onto the end user’s computer tied to information about the user. Our site uses cookies to track returning visitors.
If one wishes to disable cookies, they may do so through individual browser settings. expertise in services that enable 
We at Happiness Cart don’t ask a penny to use our products and services covered in our terms, instead businesses and organisations pay us to show you ads so as to promote their offerings.
By using your personal data we determine which ads would be relevant and intriguing .
We don’t sell personal data or share info to advertisers unless you give us permission.
We may amend privacy notice from time to time so please ensure to check back regularly.
This policy covers processing of personal data by Happinesscart whose registered address is at Hyderabad, Telangana, India. Happiness Cart is committed to protecting privacy of personal information whilst striving to provide the very best user experience. 
We want our websites to be safe and gratifying for all and sundry.
We want to strengthen experiences you actually care about. 
Systematic Info to help you create, find, join, and share in experiences that matter to you, partly by Highlighting content, features, offers  & accounts might interest you in Fostering, Consistency, Seamless, Insight.
Ensuring stable global outreach.
Any kind of unauthorized transmission, broadcast, stealing  copying of content & artwork audio video, logo graphics, text is strictly prohibited.

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