Tuesday, June 9, 2020


We all know exercise is good for health. It offers great amount of health benefits and is probably the best tool to fight diseases such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and other chronic illness.

It's always a good idea to remind our self about all the amazing things exercise can do for you, both physically and mentally. So, in this blog I will show you the easiest exercises for beginners to maintain a proper body shape and size.


It's important to start slowly. Stretching is the perfect type of exercise to begin with. If you have ambitious weight loss goal, then simply doing 10 to 20 minutes of stretching per day can help you burn a significant number of calories. Exercise not only burns calories in the moment but it also increases the rate you burn calories even after you finish your workout. But when you pair stretching with a complete workout program you'll benefit from a healthier body that feel good.


All other exercises help you raise your heart rate, but jumping jacks also get you to move your body out of it's normal plane of motion. By taxing the muscles in these ways, movement can become more explosive, gaining both strength and agility for sports that require multi-directional movement. Like most cardio exercises, jumping jacks offer cardiovascular benefits. It balances out your heart rate, increases blood circulation all over body, controls and maintains blood pressure, helps in doing away with bad cholesterol levels in the body, prevents the onset of stroke or heart attacks.


Adding squats to your workouts can help boost your exercise performance, decrease your risk of injury and keep you moving more easily throughout the day. The most obvious benefits of squats is building your leg muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. These drills also create an anabolic environment which promotes body wide muscle building, improving muscle mass. Squats and all of their variation are a great exercise for the whole body.


This exercise can increase your explosive power, improve upper and lower body strength and burn calories faster than regular squats. Explosive power gives you the ability to take off faster and move quicker. Body weight squats, which is squatting using your own body weight as resistance, burn calories, strengthen your leg muscles and tone your thighs. Plus, you can do them anywhere, anytime.


A proper lunge posture can help you achieve a stronger and more stable core. This workout engages your core and abdominal muscles. It helps you build stability which when you move your hips up and down. A stronger core allows you to deal with lower back pain and improves your balance and posture as well. Lunges increase muscle mass to build up strength and tone your body. Especially your core, butt and legs. Improving your appearance isn't the main benefit of shaping up your body, as you'll also improve your posture and range of motion. Lunges target the following muscles
* Abdominal
* Back muscles
* Hamstrings
* Calves
But they don't have an impact on any fat tissue in the area. They are effective for building strength and size in your lower body muscles.


The triceps dip is one of the most effective exercise for activating the triceps muscles in your upper arm. Additionally, you must activate your core as you hold your hips off the ground. The triceps are used for pushing and you will engage them in any daily activities that require pushing. The purpose and intent of the triceps dip on a chair exercise is to strengthen the upper body and increase the range of motion of the body as a whole. If you don't use proper form, triceps dips is a risky exercise for your shoulders. Doing them in a sloppy manner places your shoulder at a higher risk of injury.


Lie on your back, feet in the air, knees bent and perform a cycling action with the legs. It's great for endurance and also mobilizing your hip joints. While cycling is generally a great option for losing weight because it's low impact and burns a ton of calories. When you perform this exercise you make all the muscles in your abdominal to work as well as the supporting muscles in your hips. People with good abdominal strength and relatively low amounts of abdominal fat can usually perform the bicycle maneuver with their upper bodies elevated slightly above the floor. If you have poor abdominal strength and relatively high amounts of body fat, you may need to keep your upper back on the floor throughout the exercise.


One exercise, multiple benefits. Plank work your core, that means they work basically the whole body from your pelvic girdle to your shoulder girdle as well as your legs. The plank strengthens your spine, abdominal muscles, which naturally result in a strong posture as they grow in strength. Practicing 1 pose everyday improve your strength, physique, mood and many more benefits. Yes! The plank pose has tons of benefits for your body. Also known as an isometric exercise this pose work to contract the muscles by solely holding one steady, fixed position. Not sure how long you should hold your plank pose? Stay until you feel you can't keep proper alignment anymore or try holding it until you feel your muscles starting to burn and your body starting to shake. Then hold it another 15-30 seconds. Planks are the best way to come in shape without the need for equipment. Practicing planks regularly can help you reduce back pain.


Crunches will simply strengthen your abdominal muscles, which are underneath the layer of belly fat. However, if you balance the calories you can eat with exercise to reach a desirable body weight, you will be more likely to lose fat from various parts of your body, including your belly. Abdominal exercise such as crunches or sit-ups do not specifically burn belly fat but they can help the belly flatter and make it more toned. For overall weight loss including burning belly fat, diet is as important. Crunches help you lose weight only if you include them as part of a comprehensive exercise routine and commit to a healthy, calorie-controlled diet.

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